

and entering


Area Woman Can Only Find Validation in iPhone's Hand Emojis

emoji hands

AT THE INTERSECTION OF TECHNOLOGY AND LOW SELF-ESTEEM – Speaking to reporters while texting herself little thumbs-ups, local woman Jane S. Etter confirmed on Monday that she only finds validation in the hand section of her iPhone’s emoji keyboard.

“I used to turn to people for affirmation,” said Etter. “But people disappoint. Friends spell your name wrong, boyfriends break up with you, and professors tell you that your midterm paper is so uninspired that it would have been better if you’d just done some light plagiarizing.”

“Feels like a Second Skin”- Yahoo Shine! Loves Skintimates

Do you often notice your gloves getting in the way of everyday activities like gardening, digging graves, and texting your BFF on your smartphone?

Many consumers share the same problem.

- “I had to compromise between holding hands with my best girl and being warm. This is the best of both worlds!” – Ed from Plainfield, Wisconsin, a butcher.

It’s not a hand but it’s not a glove either. IT’S BOTH! 

New Skintimates™ offer a combination of comfort through the hottest new material, you guessed it, human skin.