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Trump Campaign Introduces "Make America Great Again" Armbands

In an effort to provide new fashion accessories for supporters, Donald Trump’s campaign announced Tuesday that it was introducing new “Make America Great Again!” armbands.

“We’ve been going all over the country, and people have been asking us, ‘How can we get involved? How can we show that we think Mr. Trump is the man America needs?’” said campaign manager Corey Lewandowski. “And we realized that no one has ever tried armbands before! No one. It’s an amazing opportunity!"

Trump expressed his enthusiasm for the accessory while at a campaign event. "As you all know, I have the world's number one best fashion sense," he said. "You're going to have people marching all around city streets wearing the armband, hailing each other with big, full-armed waves, showing off their apparel. Like real Americans do."

According to the campaign, the armbands are large enough to fit over sleeves and coats—an increasingly important provision, considering that people will be wearing heavier apparel during the winter months. As an added feature, they are also sweat-wicking, to allow Trump backers to demonstrate their political opinions while working out. For now, the armbands will only be available in bright GOP red, in order to highlight Trump’s standing and popularity within the Republican Party; however, the campaign has not ruled out expanding into other colors and styles. 

“I think it’s a great idea,” commented Trump volunteer Shirley Harding at a recent rally as she passed out armbands to attendees. “A lot of us have already bought hats and shirts, but these accessories just add a lot more flair, don’t you think?”

“Oh, hi there. What’s your name?” Harding then said, addressing a man next to her. When he replied that his name was Amir, she responded, “Oh, I’m sorry, it looks like we’re out of armbands! But here, you can take this sticker—just put it on your lapel.”


Original image source:  Stephen B. Morton/AP

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