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Ebert's Latest Review a Total Romp

Ebert has struck gold with his latest review of "A Very Harold and Kumar 3D Christmas."

"I have no idea if this movie was made stoned." Characteristically punchy and incisive, Roger Ebert has yet again knocked one out of the park with his latest review, entitled "A Very R-Rated Harold and Kumar 3D Christmas."

The story is simple: it follows the struggles of a man trying to describe Harold and Kumar without alienating his elderly audience. Yet there are twists and turns along the way, as he covers such wide-ranging topics as the history of the washed-up actors, the plot, and the effects of 3D on the complex world of Harold and Kumar. What finally emerges is a work alternately funny and inspiring, a true romp that leaves the reader breathless and wanting more.

In particular, Ebert manages to straddle the fine line between prude and crude with the grace of a tightrope walker, tackling head-on issues that range from racism to sexism to classism to anti-Semitism to the number of times that a 3D dick should appear on the screen (once, apparently, is enough). He is more than just a reviewer; he is a social commentator, and his brilliance particularly stands out in such lines as, "It's one thing to get a laugh with a lot of baby poo" but when the baby poo is still there an hour later, you wonder how much anyone cares."

The review is all the more significant in light of what many have been calling the long-time writer's "postgraduate slump." Such flops as his over-intellectualized approach to Garfield: A Tale of Two\ Kitties may have left him with all-time lows in readership, but this latest work proves that he is back on his game. Ebert may seem a bit tired, but one thing is clear: he's not going anywhere.

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