

and entering

QUIZ: Which Testing Cadence Are You?

Are we feeling Monday Wednesday Friday this week?


  1. What is your favorite B.o.B song?

    1. That one that Bruno Mars sings

    2. That one that Hayley Williams sings

    3. That one that some other guy sings

    4. That one that some other guy sings but specifically the Pitch Perfect cover version that Ben Platt sings

  2. The person sitting next to you in lecture won’t stop coughing. Wyd?

    1. Shooting them dirty looks but saying nothing

    2. Lecture? But you’re already in isolation!

    3. Coughing louder

    4. Posting a passive aggressive reminder in the course Slack not to come to class if you’re experiencing symptoms

  3. What is your dream testing cadence?

    1. Every five minutes

    2. Once in a blue moon

    3. Every time I pass by the Owl

    4. 4 open book midterms, no final, lowest score gets dropped, generous curve

  4. What is your preferred place to swab?

    1. My Bathroom

    2. On the John Harvard statue

    3. In the Widener stacks

    4. The bottom of the Charles River

  5. What is your favorite superspreader event?

    1. Breakfast

    2. Lunch

    3. Dinner

    4. Brain Break

  6. What is your favorite step in the self-swab?

    1. The triple swirl

    2. The gentle up-and-down

    3. The ten second hold

    4. The nostril switcheroo

  7. What letter of the alphabet does your last name start with?

    1. A-D

    2. E-K

    3. L-R

    4. S-Z


A-D: Monday, Wednesday, Saturday

E-K: Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday

L-R: Wednesday, Friday, Sunday

S-Z: Monday, Wednesday, Friday


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