CAMBRIDGE, MA – Students aren’t the only ones with performance anxiety this time of year. The ongoing argument between Professors David Malan and N. Gregory Mankiw over whose is bigger is heating up during the weeklong period between their two midterms. Attempts to compare and determine whose is larger, better endowed, and overall more sought after have taken an aggressive turn.
Mankiw likes to reference his history of size, but, when put side by side, current numbers suggest Malan’s is indeed bigger, not to mention far more renowned on the internet. Unlike Malan, Mankiw has taken a more conservative attitude towards presenting his to students. While Mankiw may not reach as many students, more regularly come.
Malan’s initiative to bring his to Yale has lead to claims that his surpasses Mankiw’s in breadth as well. Both Malan and Mankiw like to think theirs is one of the hardest on campus, at least of those that freshman can access. Students who have taken both declined to comment, citing exhaustion.
Image source: John Smith/Wikimedia