On Wednesday, the Faculty of Arts and Sciences voted unanimously to introduce a new set of Gennifer education requirements to the college. Starting in the 2018-19 academic year, students in the college will be expected to take at least one course in the Gennifer Studies department.
All Courses are to be taught by Gennifer Edwards ‘19, a junior in Leverett studying Economics.
Example departmental courses include GS100: Gennifer’s Celebrity Crushes, GS171: Movies that I, Gennifer, would Bring on a Desert Island, and GS14: Introduction to Gennifer’s Odyssey Online Articles.
Edwards’s roommate, Eliza Cushman ‘19, was perplexed by the news: “When I first heard that there would be Gennifer education requirements, I thought that the faculty meant there would be a list of things Gennifer specifically was required to learn. Like how to flush.”
However, other students seemed excited at the announcement. “I'm really happy that I'll be able to get a better education in Gennifer. Genniferally, I was worried that I wasn't going to be able to explore the full breadth of a Gennifer education in college.” Said Harry B. Goldberg ‘19, a student from Gennifer’s FOP trip.
Edwards was reportedly last seen assuring her blockmates that the new announcement would not go to her head, asserting that “I’m still I’m still Genny from the block”.