The change of heart came right after Big-Little Week, in which the Dean was showered with gifts and love from his senior “Big” Stephanie Matthews.
“I wasn’t expecting much out of the whole experience. I thought it was just a ploy to woo me to the dark side that was gender-segregated, exclusive social groups on campus” recalled the Dean. “But then I walked into my office on Monday morning and there were balloons and an autographed copy of The Little Engine That Could waiting for me! How did she know that was my favorite book?!”
The Dean explained how the week only got better from there, with his Big even buying him a 3-month membership to Bikram Yoga Studio on JFK Street, so he could continue his meditation and reflection while simultaneously staying in shape.
“Honestly this week has been a whirlwind. But one thing is clear. Rather than being exclusive, social clubs foster a sense of love, family, and connection amongst their members, and should be embraced by the administration at Harvard. If you feel excluded cause you don’t have Big that loves you to the moon and back, then maybe you should do some self-reflection and figure out why.”