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Leaked Questions on ER 18 Final

Good thing you've been studying for three straight weeks!
Students, welcome to the Fall 2018 final exam for ER 18: Classical Chinese Ethical and Political Theory. We hope that the course has taken you on a spiritual and educational journey down the long-winding roads of Chinese philosophy. We had a record high in lecture attendance, averaging 6% of the 740 total enrollees present per lecture, including 3% of undergrads. It's that passion that keeps me excited to teach you all every year. 
This test is not meant to be too difficult or stress you out. Instead, we hope to reify the importance of staying mindful as reflected by our course readings from The Analects. Following the message of mutual benefit through universal love expressed in Mohism, please feel free to work with your neighbor on any problems you have trouble with. 
1. Before you begin, please write your name and HUID. As we learned, the Confucian principle of 仁 (ren) is all about the dignity of human life and what gives a human their humanity, and your own identity is a large part of that. Therefore, complete this section and you will automatically receive 25% of the credit on this exam.
2. Just as we have discussed at the start of each class, comment on today's weather and something the weather makes you want to do.
3. (Multiple Choice) Which of these are Chinese characters?
a. 孔子 (kong zi)
b. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
4. We studied the story of 莊子 (Zhuangzi), who dreamt he was a butterfly, woke up and was unsure if he was indeed a butterfly or a human dreaming, and then expressed the futility of distinctions between various forms of life. Please use the space below to draw a picture of Zhuangzi as a butterfly. Full credit automatically given for any attempt. 
5. Read the following passage from Mencius Book 2A:
All humans naturally have certain feelings that can develop into the cardinal virtues. All humans feel compassion, as illustrated by the thought experiment about the child near the well. Similarly, all humans feel disdain, deference, and a sense of approval and disapproval. These feelings are the “sprouts” of the virtues of benevolence, righteousness, propriety, and wisdom, respectively.
Discuss whether you agree or disagree with Mencius, and use arguments from at least two other philosophers we've studied this semester to support your point. Is this degree of human nature as universal as Mencius believes? If it is, what can we do to ensure everyone accesses these "sprouts" to become virtuous?
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