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Crimson Cash Exchange Rate Plummets

Graph of Crimson Cash's recent value courtesy of the US Treasury Department

New York City, NY—Crimson Cash collapsed in value in early trading Monday, on the heels of the revelation that the Harvard Corporation does not have $250,000 in liquid assets. Crimson Cash fell 30% versus Brown Bear Bucks, 23% versus the Euro, and reached a 5-year-low of 0.61 to the Princeton Paw Print.

            Students have expressed dismay at the drop in value, which has manifested itself in record inflation in Harvard Square. The price of a single snickerdoodle Insomnia Cookie was 6 Crimson Cash as of Tuesday afternoon, and Pamela Li ’16 reportedly received only the top half of a bag of Sun Chips from a vending machine below her dorm in Pforzheimer House after paying the posted price.

            Local vendors are also feeling the sting. Joao Vasquez, a Boloco manager, told reporters that the recent turmoil in the exchange markets had made him wary of accepting Crimson Cash. “I used to think I could count on Crimson Cash to hold its value, but now I can’t be sure it’ll be worth anything tomorrow,” Vasquez explained “from now on, it’s TechCASH or nothing.”

            For one group of investors, however, it seems sticking with Crimson Cash would have been a safer bet. After shorting Crimson Cash just as markets opened on Monday, members of the Stanford Investment Association found themselves sitting on nearly 2.8 million Eli Bucks (USD $1.84), which relentlessly continued their downward spiral.

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